About Me
Hi! I'm Dee, and I always dreamed of being an explorer!
But because I was born with complex disabilities (both physical and severe Autism with ADHD), I dismissed this idea.
I spent my youngest years in the woodlands, but like Bilbo Baggins, the older I got, the more my life shrank into my books and maps.
I was living a semi-independent life, and at some point, I would barely leave my room or the laboratory during my academic years.
My autistic brain would not diverge from its routines.
Luckily, one day, I reached for the works of JRR Tolkien and used his fantasy to navigate the world.
Like our Hobbit, I ran through the door into the real world and lived independently. Yet, I got into some serious pickles without realising how vulnerable I was.
I tried to fit into society, but as a neurodivergent and disabled woman, I faced too many barriers and even abuse.
The resulting trauma made my condition worse, my mental health reached its nadir, and I lost everything. My fiancé, my house. My life.
When I couldn't take it any longer, I realised I was doing everything wrong.
So, I got rid of my possessions, packed a tent and set off to do the impossible for someone like me – walk the 630-mile-long National Trial atop the highest and steepest cliffs of England.
And I did it.
Empowered, I decided to live the life I wanted. Not life driven by society, parents, misogyny, work or my conditions and to become an Adventuress and a Writer.
Today, by sharing my story and founding the Introverts Adventure Club, I want to galvanise you to do the same - live your life as you want against what people and society want of you, in spite of disability and chronic conditions.
If you believe you can - you will - and I have your back!
Are you ready to join me on my journey?
Dee's dossier:
Finished Chemistry College
Studied biology and graduated in biotechnology
Worked as a scientist and a writer for reproduction toxicology in my maiden years
Volunteered for the British Red Cross as a medic for the "Safe Space" project, assisting the police and ambulance on weekend nights.
Worked for the Criminal Justice Department on Prosecution Cases
I swore my allegiance to the Crown as a Police Constable in 2015 and became a detective.
Predominantly, I investigated and managed dangerous sexual offenders, domestic abuse, rapes, stalking, and serious violence. I also investigated sudden deaths on behalf of the Coroner and assisted in major investigations such as murders, kidnaps, modern slavery and child abuse.
I hold universal Investigative Qualifications that I can use in both the public and private sectors, like Investigative Journalism.
I have wide experience in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, specialising in stalking and domestic abuse.
I had police driver training, but despite being a safe one, I am a shit driver...
I speak only English, but I am learning Polish (I am of mixed heritage).
I am a naturalist and photographer.
I am neurodivergent (Autism and ADHD) and live with many complex conditions (Fibromyalgia, EDS, Endometriosis, suspected Multiple Sclerosis, complex PTSD and Autoimmune condition Hashimoto Disease.
I have completed 630-mile-long South West Coast Path in one go in 71 days whilst Wild Camping despite my disabilities.
In June 2023 I moved to Wales from Sussex.
Nature is home to me - it heals me and I find peace and tranquillity in the wilderness.
I am an avid tea drinker, brew my own beer and mead
I make dioramas, draw, paint miniatures, play Warhammer and D’n’D, read lots, knit and felt, play chess and love gardening.
I have two Tarantulas and a Jumping spider!
and... already thinking about my new adventure!