Shipshape Smithy's Flash Reviews!

Do I recommend it?
Yes, it is a great historical fantasy.
There is so much to like about this story – the unique take on the dragon genre, the drama, the action! But I want to talk about the main character. The book is told in memoir format, with an older version of the character telling the story of what her younger self did. I found the younger version annoying, snobby and naïve, and this is intentional. The older version I really liked – self-assured, open-minded and honest. The author very cleverly played the characters off each other, using the older one to comment on the younger version of herself and the world she inhabited. I don’t think I have ever seen this before and it was done so well. Combine that with a charming romance and the scientific study of dragons (everyone’s dream job), and you have a great book!
Did I enjoy it?
Very much.
Any criticisms?
It took a bit too long for the action to start.
Will I read the sequel?
