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About Me

​Hi! I'm Dee, and I always dreamed of being an explorer!

But because I was born with complex disabilities (both physical and severe Autism with ADHD), I dismissed this idea.


I spent my youngest years in the woodlands, but like Bilbo Baggins, the older I got, the more my life shrank into my books and maps.


I was living a semi-independent life, and at some point, I would barely leave my room or the laboratory during my academic years.

My autistic brain would not diverge from its routines.


Luckily, one day, I reached for the works of JRR Tolkien and used his fantasy to navigate the world.

Like our Hobbit, I ran through the door into the real world and lived independently. Yet, I got into some serious pickles without realising how vulnerable I was.


I tried to fit into society, but as a neurodivergent and disabled woman, I faced too many barriers and even abuse.


The resulting trauma made my condition worse, my mental health reached its nadir, and I lost everything. My fiancé, my house. My life.


When I couldn't take it any longer, I realised I was doing everything wrong.


So, I got rid of my possessions, packed a tent and set off to do the impossible for someone like me – walk the 630-mile-long National Trial atop the highest and steepest cliffs of England.


And I did it.


Empowered, I decided to live the life I wanted. Not life driven by society, parents, misogyny, work or my conditions and to become an Adventuress and a Writer.


Today, by sharing my story and founding the Introverts Adventure Club, I want to galvanise you to do the same - live your life as you want against what people and society want of you, in spite of disability and chronic conditions.

If you believe you can - you will - and I have your back!


Are you ready to join me on my journey?

Dee's dossier:


  • Finished Chemistry College

  • Studied biology and graduated in biotechnology 

  • Worked as a scientist and a writer for reproduction toxicology in my maiden years

  • Volunteered for the British Red Cross as a medic for the "Safe Space" project, assisting the police and ambulance on weekend nights.

  • Worked for the Criminal Justice Department on Prosecution Cases

  • I swore my allegiance to the Crown as a Police Constable in 2015 and became a detective.

  • Predominantly, I investigated and managed dangerous sexual offenders, domestic abuse, rapes, stalking, and serious violence. I also investigated sudden deaths on behalf of the Coroner and assisted in major investigations such as murders, kidnaps, modern slavery and child abuse.

  • I hold universal Investigative Qualifications that I can use in both the public and private sectors, like Investigative Journalism.

  • I have wide experience in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults, specialising in stalking and domestic abuse. 

  • I had police driver training, but despite being a safe one, I am a shit driver...

  • I speak only English, but I am learning Polish (I am of mixed heritage).

  • I am a naturalist and photographer. 



  • I am neurodivergent (Autism and ADHD) and live with many complex conditions (Fibromyalgia, EDS, Endometriosis, suspected Multiple Sclerosis, complex PTSD and Autoimmune condition Hashimoto Disease. 

  • I have completed 630-mile-long South West Coast Path in one go in 71 days whilst Wild Camping despite my disabilities.

  • In June 2023 I moved to Wales from Sussex.

  • Nature is home to me - it heals me and I find peace and tranquillity in the wilderness. 

  • I am an avid tea drinker, brew my own beer and mead

  • I make dioramas, draw, paint miniatures, play Warhammer and D’n’D, read lots, knit and felt, play chess and love gardening.

  • I have two Tarantulas and a Jumping spider!

  • and... already thinking about my new adventure! 

Dee's face with camera

About Dee

A biology and biotechnology graduate, an ex-academic in the physiology field, and a former police detective.
Editor-in-chief of the Introvert, Outdoor Journalist specialised in Women's Rights, Disability, Minorities, and Inclusion, Founder of The Introverts Adventure Club.
Dee campaigns for inclusion and empowers you to live, not just exist and ask for what is your right.

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07512 437 074

©2024 Dee Crute | All text, photography, graphics and design are subject to copyright

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